Voici les fonctions Jokers du TP Maple sur les courbes elliptiques : un copier-coller vaut mieux qu'une longue frappe ! Consacrez plutôt votre temps à réfléchir...
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anim_elliptic:=proc() local P,a,b; P:=NULL; for a from -10 to 5 by 2 do for b from -10 to 5 by 2 do if (4*a^3+27*b^2)<>0 then P:=P,plots[implicitplot](y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b,x = -10..10,y=-10..10); fi;od;od; plots[display]([P],insequence=true,view=[-10..10,-10..10]); end: dessin_elliptic:=proc(P1,P2,a,b) local P3,P4,y2,E,x,L1; P3 := somme(P1,P2,a,b); if P1 = [O] or P2 = [O] or P3 = [O] then RETURN(`Point à l infini`);fi; P4 := [P3[1],-P3[2]]; E := plots[implicitplot](y^2 = x^3 + a*xx + b, xx = -10..10,y = -10..10,color=green); L1 := plot([P1,P4,P3],color=blue,thickness=3); plots[display]([E,L1]); end: proc1 := proc(x,p) local i,r; r:=NULL; for i from 0 to p-1 do if i^2 mod p = x then r := r,i; fi; od; RETURN([r]); end: proc2 := proc(P1,P2,a,b,p) local x1,x2,y1,y2,x3,y3,lambda; if (4*a^3+27*b^2) mod p = 0 then RETURN(`Delta nul`);fi; if (P1=[O] or appart_p(a,b,P1,p)) and (P2=[O] or appart_p(a,b,P2,p)) then if P1 = [O] then RETURN(P2); fi; if P2 = [O] then RETURN(P1); fi; x1:=P1[1] mod p;y1:=P1[2] mod p;x2:=P2[1] mod p;y2:=P2[2] mod p; if x1 = x2 mod p and y1 = -y2 mod p then RETURN([O]);fi; if P1 = P2 then if y1 = 0 mod p then RETURN([O]);fi; if igcd(y1,p) < 1 then RETURN([`Diviseur`,igcd(y1,p)]);fi; lambda := (3*x1^2+a)/(2*y1) mod p; else if igcd(x1-x2,p) < 1 then RETURN([`Diviseur`,igcd(x1-x2,p)]);fi; lambda := (y1-y2)/(x1-x2) mod p; fi; x3 := (lambda^2-x1-x2) mod p; y3 := (-y1 +lambda*(x1-x3)) mod p; RETURN([x3,y3]): else RETURN(`Mauvais points`); fi; end: proc3 := proc(x,a,b,p) local X; X := x; while sqrt_p((X^3+a*X+b) mod p,p) = [] and X < p do X := X+1; od; RETURN([X,sqrt_p((X^3+a*X+b) mod p,p)[1]]); end: proc4 := proc(x1,x2,a,b,p) local y2,E,x,i,P1,P2,P,lambda; if (4*a^3+27*b^2) mod p = 0 then RETURN(`Delta nul`);fi; P1 := point_courbe_p(x1,a,b,p); P2 := point_courbe_p(x2,a,b,p); E := []; P:= [P1,P2]; lambda := (P2[2]-P1[2])/(P2[1]-P1[1]) mod p; for x from 0 to p-1 do y2 := (x^3 + a*x + b) mod p; for i in sqrt_p(y2,p) do E := [op(E),[x,i]]; P := [op(P),[x,(lambda*(x-P1[1])-P1[2]) mod p]]; od; od; E := plot(E,style=point,symbol=diamond,color=red); P := plot(P,style=point,symbol=circle,color=blue); plots[display]([E,P]); end: proc5 := proc(P,k,a,b,p) local K,M,Q,r; K:=k; M:=[O]; Q := P mod p; while K 0 do r := K mod 2; if r = 1 then M := somme_p(M,Q,a,b,p); fi; if member(`Diviseur`,M) then RETURN(M);fi; Q := somme_p(Q,Q,a,b,p); if member(`Diviseur`,Q) then RETURN(Q);fi; K := iquo(K,2); od; RETURN(M); end: proc6 := proc(n) local deux,trois,sept,onze,h; deux:=2;trois:=3;sept:=7;onze:=11; h:=rand(n); while deux <= h() do deux := deux*2;od; while trois <= h() do trois := trois*3;od; while sept <= h() do sept := sept*7;od; while onze <= h() do onze := onze*11;od; RETURN(deux*trois*sept*onze/462); end: proc7 := proc(n) local kP,a,b,P,B,s,k; if isprime(n) then RETURN(`premier!`);fi; P:=[0,1]; s := ceil(sqrt(n)): B:=s+1+2*ceil(sqrt(s)); k:=friable(B); a:=1;b:=1; kP:=k_multiple_p(P,k,a,b,n); while not member(`Diviseur`,kP) do a := a+1; # on peut choisir de jouer aussi sur B # k := friable(B); kP:=k_multiple_p(P,k,a,b,n); od; printf(`%a = %a * %a avec a = %a`,n,kP[2],n/kP[2],a); end: