type 'a bintree = | Node of 'a bintree * 'a * 'a bintree | Empty let rec nbFeuilles = function | Empty -> 0 | Node (Empty, x, Empty) -> 1 | Node (left, _, right) -> nbFeuilles left + nbFeuilles right let rec nbNoeuds = function | Empty -> 0 | Node (left,_,right) -> 1 + nbNoeuds left + nbNoeuds right let exemple = Node (Node(Empty, 1, Empty), 2, Node(Node(Node(Empty,6,Empty),5,Empty),3,Node(Empty,4,Empty))) let rec hauteur = function | Empty -> 0 | Node (left,_,right) -> 1 + max (hauteur left) (hauteur right) let maxo (x: 'a option) (y : 'a option) : 'a option = match (x,y) with | (None, None) -> None | (None, _) -> y | (_, None) -> x | ((Some a), (Some b)) -> Some (max a b) let rec maxi = function | Empty -> None | Node (left, x, right) -> maxo (Some x) (maxo (maxi left) (maxi right)) let rec toListi = function | Empty -> [] | Node (left, x, right) -> (toListi left) @ (x :: (toListi right)) let rec toListp = function | Empty -> [] | Node (left, x, right) -> x :: ( (toListp left) @ (toListp right) ) let rec fold f neutre = function | Empty -> neutre | Node (left, x, right) -> f (fold f neutre left) x (fold f neutre right) let nbFeuilles2 = fold (fun g x d -> if (g = 0) && (d = 0) then 1 else g + d) 0 let nbNoeuds2 = fold (fun g x d -> 1 + g + d) 0 let hauteur2 = fold (fun g x d -> 1 + (max g d)) 0 let maxi2 = fold (fun g x d -> maxo (Some x) (maxo g d)) None let toList2 = fold (fun g x d -> g @ (x :: d)) [] type 'a ntree = | ArbreVide | Noeud of 'a * ('a ntree list) let ex = Noeud (1, [ArbreVide; Noeud (2, [ArbreVide; ArbreVide; ArbreVide]); ArbreVide])